Friday, January 21, 2011

CSS Book Club - January

The ladies are really getting into our new swap.  We are doing a Circle Journal...a page a month.  Each person takes another person's journal home and does a page.  The next month we will swap again.  So far, we have done the cover, which includes the theme of our journal and one page. Here are a few pictures. 

Alicia made this gorgeous sign for Elena and Charity Wings.

Elena, Jim, Kathren

Jim, Senior VP of Product Development for Provo Craft, was our guest for the evening.   He shared that Provo Craft will be introducing something amazing at CHA.  We tried to get the big secret out of him,
but he wouldn't budge.

All he said was, "Virtual, Personal & Digital". Hmmm!

He gave us a presentation on the Imagine machine, which is much like the Cricut except that it not only cuts, but it also prints in color.  You can use a white sheet of paper and make your cutouts any color you like.
He generously gifted us with Cricut Cartridges and Imagine Cartridges.

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Returning Book Club member Debby shared an altered book that she made at
Royalty Over the Rainbow. 

Cards made by Alicia from last month's kit.

Kathren made a collaged basket from last month's kit. 
If you're at CHA, watch for it on Elena's arm.

Beautiful collaged Photo frame by Alma

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Welcome to another new member, Suzi, who is a wonderful photographer. 
She shared her gorgeous cards.

This month's kit includes, papers from 7 Gypsies, ribbons, bling, rub-ons, and fabric letters.  The letters aren't suppose to spell anything in particular.  There are three letters and you can use them one at a time as the beginning of a word.

Thanks to Kathren who worked tirelessly, our make and take included a fabric, Cricut cutout of a crown.  First she used Heat N Bond on the fabric.  Then she put it through the Cricut machine.  We used the crown on a distressed card.

Gentle Reminder of items you may wish to bring next month:
  • Projects you've been working on
  • Finished project from Book Club kit
  • Tool kit, including scissors, glue and a pen or pencil
  • A snack to share
Things to remember:
  • New 3 month cycle and next meeting starts February 16th at 6:30.
  • New Book - TBD
  • Continue Swap - Circle Journal
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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Crop - January 2011

We had our first Private Crop of the year on Sunday, January 11, 2011.  Seven of us attended and we had a crazy, fun day.  Besides lots of cropping and crafting, we all went shopping...Lots of shopping!  Michaels was having a 20% off everything sale, Joann's was having a 40% off all scrapbooking sale, and of course, who doesn't love to shop at Cool Scrapbooks Stuff.  I dropped a few pennies there before I even went to the crop room.

It was Fern's birthday and we couldn't miss a tiara opportunity with a Happy Birthday song and cake.  The cake was double chocolate on the inside.  Exactly what we needed for our afternoon snack.

Kathren made burp cloths from diapers.  She brought her Cricut and we all watched as she made fabric die cuts.  She used a fusible product and ironed the die cuts on to the diapers.  They were adorable!

DSC04747Fern wore her princess crown all day.
DSC04749Alicia did a lot of scrapping in her photo album.

Having two 6-foot tables certainly came in handy for Cyndi who brought everything...  you know, just in case someone might need something.

Gentle Reminder of items you may want to bring next month:
  • Projects you've been working on
  • Circle Journal
  • Finished project from Book Club kit
  • Tool kit, including scissors, glue and a pen or pencil
  • A snack to share

Things to remember:
  • New 3 month cycle
  • Next meeting:  Tomorrow Night, Januray, 19
  • New Book - TBD

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Urban Barn - January

Hello Lovely Book Club Friends,

DSC04734Our first meet-up of the year was January 6th at the Urban Barn in Escondido.  The ambience of the Urban Barn is an experience in itself.  Gathering together on vintage couches and chairs, we discussed upcoming events, shared our latest projects and
Lola's pumpkin muffins.  Mmmm...Yummy!

DSC04741Cynthia, Nancy, and Lola

Elena Cheryl & SheilaDSC04727 

DSC04728We were honored to have the fabulous Cheryl Waters as our guest speaker.  She shared her story as one of the Lead Fiskateers for Fiskars.  (Check out the Fiskateers website for an article from Cheryl and some more pictures of our meet-up.)

She brought her incredible Lucky Thirteen Circle Journal to share. The story and pages from this journal were recently published in Stampington's Autumn 2010 issue of Somerset Memories and is a collaboration of thirteen artists from around the world, including our own Book Club leader Elena Etcheverry.

DSC04740  If that wasn't enough fun, Cheryl discussed and inspired us all to submit our personal art to the Stampington & Company for publication in one of their awesome magazines.

Taking our break is always fun because there is so much to look at while at the Urban Barn.  It doesn't matter how often you go, there is something new or something that you didn't see before...and of course, you WANT IT! 

DSC04732Cynthia and Glenna admiring Cheryl's Lucky Thirteen Album.

Cheryl and Elena giving some love to the camera.
Cheryl and Elena giving some love to the camera.

The Grand Duchess, Kat, sporting her glitzy tiara and wielding her lint roller wand.

After our break, Cheryl did a drawing and everyone won some great Fiskars tools, a Stampington magazine and then she gave us these adorable kits.  Her idea was that we could make a valentine card, ATC or a journal page.  Everyone is going to do that and we'll bring our item to next month's meet-up.

At the end of our gathering we received our monthly kits, which were wonderful wood cigar boxes of different shapes and sizes.  Each was wrapped in beautiful ribbon and inside were more treasures to help us make something really fun.  Everyone has the option of leaving their cigar boxes as is, but if you decide to alter your box, be sure to bring it to next month's meet-up.

Urban Barn has a Street Faire every month. 
This month's Street Faire is January 28 & 29

Gentle Reminder of items you may want to bring next month:
  • Projects you've been working on
  • Finished project from Cheryl's kit
  • Finished project from Book Club kit
  • Tool kit, including scissors, glue and a pen or pencil
  • A snack to share

Things to remember:
  • New 4 month cycle and next meeting starts February 3rd.
  • New Book - TBD
  • A Valentine Card to swap
  • New Swap - ATC's - Make 12 (Here is some helpful info.)

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Monday, January 10, 2011

And...We Have a Winner!

The contest winner for naming our new Book Club blog is:


The name of our new blog is:

Creating Outside the Book

Thank you Sheila.